Take your Fascial Fitness Trainer Certification to the next level and join an exclusive international community of Fascial Fitness Master Trainers. Lead the way for the Fascial Fitness brand in your community and empower other trainers to improve their knowledge, professional skills and results for their clients.
Master Trainer Benefits
- Ability to schedule and teach Fascial Fitness Trainer Certification Courses in your community
- Fascial Fitness marketing and teaching materials developed specifically for you and your community
- Quarterly Master Trainer meetings
- Exclusive continuing education webinars and articles not available to Certified Trainers
- Direct access to Senior Master Trainers for one-on-one discussion and learning
Eligibility Requirements
- Must currently hold a valid Fascial Fitness Trainer Certification
- Must hold a current fitness or medical certification of some kind
- There must not be a Fascial Fitness Master Trainer currently located in your area
- 3 years experience or more in teaching group sessions
- Experience teaching trainer education workshops
- Must speak English
Application Process
- Submit the application below for initial review. As a part of your application, you will be required to provide:
- short video (<5 min) giving a theoretical lecture on why it is important to train fascia.
- short video (<15 min) teaching and demonstrating some Fascial Fitness exercises (at least one out of each principle).
- If selected, you will complete a Zoom interview with the Fascial Fitness Board
- If approved, you will complete a personal mentorship program with one of our Senior Master Trainers (fee applicable).
- As a part of your Certification, you will also be required to provide:
- an introductory webinar about Fascial Fitness in your national language that will be further used for marketing
- a full Fascial Fitness Class in your national language that will be further used for marketing
- Upon completion of the mentorship program, you are officially a Certified Fascial Fitness Master Trainer.
Questions before submitting your application? Email [email protected].