Your opinion matters to us. Please let us know about your experience at the Fascia Training in Application Summit. Fascia Training in Application Summit Program EvaluationAttendee evaluation of the Fascia Training in Application Summit held on March 29-30, 2024. Program Faculty includes Bill Parisi, Bobby Stroupe, Michol Dalcourt, Eric Owens, Seth Form, and Chris and Ann Frederick. Fascia Training Academy is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. BOC Approved Provider Number: 414467Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.How would you rate this educational program overall? *4 - Excellent3 - Good2 - Average1 - PoorRate the following components of this program: * ExcellentGoodFairPoor Registration processExcellentRegistration process ExcellentGoodRegistration process GoodFairRegistration process FairPoorRegistration process PoorProgram facultyExcellentProgram faculty ExcellentGoodProgram faculty GoodFairProgram faculty FairPoorProgram faculty PoorMealsExcellentMeals ExcellentGoodMeals GoodFairMeals FairPoorMeals PoorLodging accommodationsExcellentLodging accommodations ExcellentGoodLodging accommodations GoodFairLodging accommodations FairPoorLodging accommodations PoorExhibitors/vendorsExcellentExhibitors/vendors ExcellentGoodExhibitors/vendors GoodFairExhibitors/vendors FairPoorExhibitors/vendors PoorFacilityExcellentFacility ExcellentGoodFacility GoodFairFacility FairPoorFacility Poor Rate the program faculty regarding the content of their presentation.Bill Parisi * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No Bobby Stroupe * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No Michol Dalcourt * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No Eric Owens * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No Seth Forman * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No Chris and Ann Frederick * YesNo KnowledgeableYesKnowledgeable YesNoKnowledgeable NoRelevantYesRelevant YesNoRelevant NoEffectiveYesEffective YesNoEffective No If you answered no to any of the 3 categories, please explain:Was a verbal or written statement regarding conflict of interest disclosed? *YesNoWas the program free of commercial bias or influence? *YesNoIf no, please explain *Rate the following components of this program: * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree The information received was useful and beneficial.Strongly AgreeThe information received was useful and beneficial. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe information received was useful and beneficial. AgreeDisagreeThe information received was useful and beneficial. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe information received was useful and beneficial. Strongly DisagreeThe program met the stated learning objectives.Strongly AgreeThe program met the stated learning objectives. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe program met the stated learning objectives. AgreeDisagreeThe program met the stated learning objectives. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe program met the stated learning objectives. Strongly DisagreeThe presentation style enhanced my learning experience.Strongly AgreeThe presentation style enhanced my learning experience. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe presentation style enhanced my learning experience. AgreeDisagreeThe presentation style enhanced my learning experience. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe presentation style enhanced my learning experience. Strongly DisagreeThe program faculty was responsive to questions/comments.Strongly AgreeThe program faculty was responsive to questions/comments. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe program faculty was responsive to questions/comments. AgreeDisagreeThe program faculty was responsive to questions/comments. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe program faculty was responsive to questions/comments. Strongly DisagreeThe educational materials were useful.Strongly AgreeThe educational materials were useful. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe educational materials were useful. AgreeDisagreeThe educational materials were useful. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe educational materials were useful. Strongly DisagreeThe learning assessment (survey, quiz, etc.) was appropriate.Strongly AgreeThe learning assessment (survey, quiz, etc.) was appropriate. Strongly AgreeAgreeThe learning assessment (survey, quiz, etc.) was appropriate. AgreeDisagreeThe learning assessment (survey, quiz, etc.) was appropriate. DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe learning assessment (survey, quiz, etc.) was appropriate. Strongly Disagree What did you like the most about this program? *What did you like the least about this program? *Identify topics you would like to have presented at future meetings *General Comments: *NameFirstLastEmailProfessionSubmit